Craps Big Win


The dice is completely random and the game play is exactly how it will be in a real Casino. This app has been created by casino experts to match the real craps experience. Bet big, win big! The app has engaging graphics, sound and smooth game play. This craps game is the closest you can get to a real Las Vegas slots experience. These 5 simple tips on how to win at craps will improve your odds of winning while playing craps. There are 11 numbers possible with a pair of dice; some easier to roll than others. Those unfamiliar with the game of craps are usually put off by the large betting fields and seemingly endless rules and betting combinations. Been playing craps a few years and have won a couple of thousand here and there. Last week I bought it for $1000 and started playing. Was down to $300 when the dice headed my way. I usually stick to the pass line and 6/8. I hopped the 6's for $90 and hit 3-3, that's where the fun started. Pressed the bet up to $180 and hit another 6.

A lot of players question my “recreational” slot play as being foolish. Fact is, I set aside a specific potion of my bankroll for slot play on every gaming outing. These players tell me I should stick to craps because the game has an extremely low house advantage to begin with. By limiting their bets to Pass and Come or Don’t Pass and Don’t Come, then taking or laying Free Odds, these craps players cut the house edge to well below one percent. With a little bit of skill it’s easy to gain an edge over the game and lock up a win.

So why do these savvy bettors often find their sessions less rewarding than slots or some of the higher-edge table games such as Roulette or (God forbid) slots? The answer lies in the volatility of the game.

Craps Big Win

Volatility is the variable that causes those huge swings in bankroll. “Natural” winners and winning flat bets only pay 1 to 1 in craps. You bet five dollars – and if the wager wins you win five dollars. In order to win substantially more than a unit or two here and there you have to risk substantially more or place a higher vig wager.

On the other hand, slots players and those who play the higher edge table games often experience wider swings due to payout schedules featuring returns ranging from a few dollars to gigantic jackpots – all for the same nominal bet. On a slot machine, you can luck out and hit “the big one” for a single wager. Just last week I sat down at a slot machine as the woman beside me dropped $1 in and win a $1800 jackpot. To score a comparable win at craps you’d have to parlay a $1 hard six to $10 – then to $100 – then hit it two more times.

Craps Big Win

For a big score in craps you have to get lucky – not just once – but on a long run of wagers that increase in size over the course of the streak. Betting $5 on Pass and taking 5X odds, then making two Come bets with odds for the same amount, can expose a player to a hit of $90 or slightly more, yet bring in no more than $55 on any one throw. A $1000 bankroll is marginally adequate for a long session with these bets. Picture, though, how hot a table would have to be for those $35 to $55 wins to offset the $90 losses and add up to $1800 in winnings our slot player locked up. Then you start to understand the volatility of the low-edge game.

Do I recommend playing slots? Not at all. Do I play them? Just about every time I go to the casino. It’s a cheap enough way to “rent” a chair when I want to take a break from standing at the craps table. And who knows? I might even get a lightning strike.

I do take a systematic approach to slots. Here’s my dirty little secret. I head to the high limit area and look for any machine that a player won on. There’ll be three symbols aligned on the machine and the payout meter will read “Winner Paid” and show a number of coins paid. Example, Winner Paid 40. On a $5 machine that’s $200. What I’m looking for is a machine that’s in its pay off cycle. Yes, slot machines have random number generators and every decision is a random, independent decision. But they’re also programmed to yield a certain percentage of wins, and I’ve tracked enough machines through the years to know that the machines tend to clump a lot of smaller wins building up to a larger “jackpot” win. Then they clump up some smaller wins before going to sleep for the next ten thousand or so decisions. I’m looking for a machine that’s (hopefully) building up toward a jackpot. When I find that machine I sit down and slip a $100 bill in the slot. I give it six pulls at $5 (or $10 if it’s a $10 machine). If it gets any hit in those six pulls I start over and give it six more pulls. I continue until it goes six decisions without a hit – or it gives me a hit that yields at least a 50% win. If it gives me a 50% win I cash out and go looking for another machine.

Last week in Vegas I found such a machine. I put $100 in and it hit for $180 after a few pulls. I cashed out $240 and took it to another machine – this one a $1 nine liner at $9 a pull. In short order it kicked off a $300 win. I took my ticker for $400 over to a $25 machine. I had sixteen shots at hitting something, but only intended to use six of them. On the first spin it hit for $200. I played those units off plus two more and it hit for another $100. This continued until it finally hit for $800. I cashed out an even $1000 for a $900 slot session win over the run of three machines.

No, it doesn’t always work out like this. The next night the same machines were all sound asleep. I ended up giving $300 back, but limited my losses and still walked with a win for the week.

All in all, slot play accounted for about a third of my wins for the week in Vegas – and it was a VERY good week. They REAL key to this is just like craps. Plan your play and play your plan. Limit your losses and have a solid win goal in mind that you stick to. Or, as I often say, get in, get up, and get gone.

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Been playing craps a few years and have won a couple of thousand here and there. Last week I bought it for $1000 and started playing. Was down to $300 when the dice headed my way. I usually stick to the pass line and 6/8. I hopped the 6's for $90 and hit 3-3, that's where the fun started. Pressed the bet up to $180 and hit another 6. Went up to $300 and hit 3-3 again, and the rolled a forth 6. Crazy! Proceeded to make six points and a bunch of numbers I bet on. Cashed in $11,800.
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Big Win On Computer

Been playing craps a few years and have won a couple of thousand here and there. Last week I bought it for $1000 and started playing. Was down to $300 when the dice headed my way. I usually stick to the pass line and 6/8. I hopped the 6's for $90 and hit 3-3, that's where the fun started. Pressed the bet up to $180 and hit another 6. Went up to $300 and hit 3-3 again, and the rolled a forth 6. Crazy! Proceeded to make six points and a bunch of numbers I bet on. Cashed in $11,800.

Nice hand!
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
Congratulations. I imagine the whole table went wild.
They did when the third 6 hit, no one else was betting on it though. When I looked around after my roll it didn't seem like the table made much money, which surprised me. It's a smaller casino and I've noticed that a lot of players either bet the field or chase the hard ways. I must have rolled for 40 minutes which is a career long for me. I was blessed to be at a table in the Palazzo where a guy rolled for over an hour. There must have been close to $30,000, probably more on the players side that night.
You had 300 left an you hopped 6 for 90?
I guess it's possible.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW

Big Win Racing


You had 300 left an you hopped 6 for 90?
I guess it's possible.

Craps Big Win Fun

$30 $30 $30 on the three hops. Had $25 on the line too. Had some more money in my pocket, main reason for hopping the 6 was to try and get a hit and not reload.
As a professional craps player I have had many great wins. I usually grind at craps although once I colored up for $75 at the Mohegan Sun.

Blackjack Big Win

50 dollar hard eight parlayed 3 x.. 50 to 500, 500 paid 4500, then pressed to 2k and hit another 18k.
Thanks for this post from:
$25 passline, I was shooting and made 12 passes in a row, worked it up to $1000 (no odds) by pressing according to the Fibonacci series. Cashed out +4200 or so. Harrah's Tahoe, a long, long time ago.
'In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice.' -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
Most recent trip went well. Shot 7 sessions on strip buying in for $1k each time, $500 more on two occasions. Ended UP on all but one session when I was dragged away for dinner plans. Here to fore, say it with me - 'F*#k food, I'm shooting!' Finished the trip up $5k after tips and being down at every Pai Gow poker attempt.
Best run was at Mandalay for around 30+ minutes. It's fun to hear the the stick say 'He's still shooting,' to his relief on dealer rotation. In for $1k out with $2.6k.
My last play was at NYNY, total session was over 4 hours, it was a grind most of the time and did require the extra buy in. It finally got late enough that several players bailed, leaving 3 or 4 of us. A few minutes later it was my turn. I think I made one point then had a come out streak with 8-10 naturals. Went on to make several points enough to get ahead by about $1k.
My play is strict, contract bets only, pass and two come, full odds over $15. (plus tips)

Craps Big Win Slot Machines

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