Gambling Ireland Statistics

  1. Gambling Ireland Statistics 2020
  2. Gambling Ireland Statistics 2019

IRELAND HAS THE third highest per capita rate of gambling losses in the world. That’s according to research which shows that as a nation we lose about €470 per adult on different forms of.

Land-based gambling

Gambling Ireland StatisticsGambling Ireland Statistics

Profile of Gambling Industry in Ireland Casino Land-based gaming- looking forward: In a properly regulated environment one could expect: Casino gaming could grow from 1.5% to approximately 9% of the gambling industry to achieve €157m GGR per annum. This could increase to €280m per annum by the year 2020. Gambling is big business and is becoming almost a part of everyday life in Ireland. The market is estimated at around €1.1 billion per year.Sixty-five million euros of this is thought to come from casinos or private members clubs; a whopping €134 million from gaming machines; €8 million euros from bingo; €310 million from lotteries; and €315 million from land-based betting.

  • Land-based gambling (other than casino gaming) in Ireland was valued at €1.7 billion Gross Gaming Revenue (total amount gambled net of winnings paid out) in 2007. Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) is the equivalent of Gross Profit in other business sectors.
  • Land based casino gaming constitutes approx. 1.5% of the entire gambling industry in Ireland, generating a GGR of approx. 26 million Euro in 2007.
  • The sector currently directly employs approximately 500 people.

Profile of Gambling Industry in Ireland

Gambling Ireland Statistics

Casino Land-based gaming- looking forward:

In a properly regulated environment one could expect:

IrelandGambling Ireland Statistics
  • Casino gaming could grow from 1.5% to approximately 9% of the gambling industry to achieve €157m GGR per annum. This could increase to €280m per annum by the year 2020.
  • Employment to reach 2,000 growing to 3,600 in 2020.
  • Exchequer revenues in the region €28m growing to €50m by the year 2020.

Casino Gaming GGR as % of GDP, 2007

Gambling Ireland Statistics 2020

Online Gambling

Gambling Ireland Statistics 2019

The current legal and regulatory uncertainty prevents larger international operators from committing to setting up operations in Ireland. However, in a properly regulated environment, one could expect:

  • The value of the global market is currently estimated at €44 Billion, growing to €150 Billion by 2020. By capturing 5% of this market, Ireland’s share could be worth €2.2 Billion, growing to €7.5 Billion by 2020.
  • Employment in Ireland has the potential to grow from 5000 jobs to 10,000 jobs by 2020.
  • Exchequer revenues in the region of €92m growing to €229m by 2020.