Figura 72 Salsa Casino

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The PDF document attached to this post is the result of a bit of reflection led while defining my Cuban salsa/Casino teaching programme at intermediate level. It also covers some of the material I teach at intermediate level during a few salsa congresses in the UK.

At beginners level, we usually teach some basic steps and Enchufla/Dile que No/Vuelta, with lots of emphasis on making people feel comfortable, welcome, confident and entertained, and only limited emphasis on technicality. Then, at intermediate level, the question arises: what tools should you give your Cuban salsa students to help them learn the longer routines more efficiently once they reach the higher levels? What is going to help them for the rest of their salsa life?

Through observation and analysis, the following list of 12 moves came up, which cover a large proportion of the 'situations' met in longer routines. Learning them allows to approach Cuban salsa as a foreign language: while beginner's moves are like a basic alphabet, the 12 moves are like the words which would be used to compose longer sentences at higher levels. From the learner's perspective, knowing these moves does help to 'decode' longer routines more efficiently by training the perception of elementary moves in longer routines. From the teacher's perspective, each of the 12 moves is also an occasion to focus on one particular technical skill such as space awareness, leading/following, particular turn techniques etc.

This list of moves is given here as a handout to help Cuban salsa students remembering the classes, but it is also hoped that it will help other teachers defining their own syllabus. This list is probably neither exhaustive nor perfect, and certainly does not aim at defining any rigid truth about Casino. I would actually be highly interested in your feedback and comments (cf instructions below on how to leave a comment on this website). Is that an adequate list? Should other basic moves be added to complete this list of 'Lego blocks' to construct and de-construct Casino moves while teaching or learning Cuban salsa? Please tell us what you think!

The handout can be downloaded from this link: The 12 basic moves of Cuban salsa, PDF handout

To leave a comment, please click on the title of this post. This will lead you to the post's page. Please scroll down: the comments fields are located at the bottom of the page. Then fill the form, press preview and then press send. Please note that the comments will be reviewed and moderated, and we reserve the right to accept or reject their publication on this website. Thanks in advance for your contributions!

-DJ Sacha

PS: Yielding to popular demand, here are some youtube links. But:
PLEASE NOTE / DISCLAIMER: These videos are only here to give a rough visual impression of the move, which is more effective than a textual description. We do not guarantee that the execution depicted in these videos is standard or even 'correct': that's only whatever we could find on Youtube. Please do consult with a qualified teacher to verify and polish your moves.

1) Enchufla and 2) Dile que No

3) Vuelta a.k.a. Hecho a.k.a. Pimienta

I usually teach these moves as '4 moves for the price of 1': vuelta led with left hand, or led with right hand, or vacilala (no hands) or sombrero (two hands) are essentially the same move with hand variations.
Vuelta a.k.a Pimienta:


Vuelta Vacilala:

4) Enchufla Ronde (Enchufla y Escondete)

6) Paseala al Frente

6) Sacala / Exhibela

7) Paseala por Abajo y por Atras

8) Adios con la Prima

9) Cubanito, Cubanita, El Uno, El Dos

Cubanito/Cubanita are pre-requisites to El Uno/El Dos:

El Uno:

El Dos: essentially Cubanito followed by a full Sombrero:

10) Enrocate

I usually teach Enrocate as a pre-requisite to a 'safe' Coca-Cola, and to help people to get the directions right:

11) Coca Cola

12) Siete a.k.a. Panque

Casino refers to Cuban salsa. Several Casino figures are commonly used in Rueda de Casino, even though several of them do not involve changing partner, and therefore make the Rueda less dynamic. Here is our list of common Casino figures, most of them with a video.

Casino figures:

  • Juana la cubana
  • arcoiris
  • Bayamo por Matanza
  • cangrejo
  • egoista
  • enchufla y adios
  • enchufla y rodeo
  • parte el brazo
  • preciosa
  • prima cruzada
  • quedatela



Figura 72 Salsa Casino

= Bayamo (city in Cuba)


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el dedo

= the finger


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Juana la cubana

= Juana the Cuban (Juana is a female name)



= Kentucky (state in the USA)


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ochenta y quatro

= eighty four (84)


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puente doble

= double bridge


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= seventy (70)

Setenta is probably the most common Casino figure. Because it is so common, it is also commonly used in Rueda de Casino.

There are several explanations to the origin of the name seventy.
We understand that it was created in the seventies. And it is also possible that the names of the classic Casino figures refers to the streets in Miramar, Havana, where Rueda de Casino origined in the late 50s/early 60s. Some of the main streets are 70 (setenta) and 84 (ochenta y quatro).


Bonus video at, open to anyone.


setenta complicado

= complicated “setenta” (complicated seventy)


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= hat

sombrero is a common Casino figure. We have also listed it as a Rueda figure because it is commonly used in various Rueda combinations.


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Figura 72 Salsa Casino Atlantic City


= look at her (to Cubans this is more like check her out)

vacilala is commonly used in couples dance, Casino. We have also listed it as a Rueda figure because it is commonly used in various Rueda combinations.


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= rainbow



= fleet refugee


Bayamo por Matanza

= Bayamo to Matanza (cities in Cuba)



= crab



= selfish


enchufla y adios

= connect her and good bye


enchufla y rodeo

= enchufla and rodeo (connect her and rodeo)



= screw yourself


Esquina de Tejas

= Esquina de Tejas (“corner of tiles”, the name of a district of Havana)


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creator: Osbanis Tejeda (Deakocan Dance), who grew up in the neighbourbood Esquina de Tejas in Havana, Cuba.



= mountain



= eighty (80)



parte el brazo

= break the arm



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= precious


prima cruzada

Figura 72 Salsa Casino

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= crossed ‘prima’ (cousin)



= stay with her

Figura 72 Salsa Casino Online
